Poker Night Breaks

“Because SLabstat makes it easy for us to be organized with buyers, we now have more time to focus on delivering great customer service before the break as well as more time to sell new breaks.”

— Tyler, co-founder of Poker Night Breaks


Poker Night Breaks, or PNB as they’re affectionately known, has been associated with sports and trading cards for decades. The group lives geographically apart with Tyler, Chief Wax Acquisition Officer, out of the PNB North studio in New Jersey, and Ryan, Chief Wax Extraction Officer out of the PNB South studio in North Carolina. Through a division of responsibilities that includes product research, procurement, listings, accounting, customer service, and finally breaking, Poker Night Breaks has successful run hundreds of breaks for over a year.

Technology used






The Problem

Poker Night Breaks occasionally does player breaks and they create individual auction listings (usually in the hundreds) for players on the product’s checklist through eBay.  PNB expects a certain amount of player listings will go unsold or unpaid.  Their current solution is to make a listing of available players on social media as well as to their broadcast live audience on YouTube in the hopes of selling the available teams.

The Solution

Partnering with SLabstat, PNB is able to list the available players onto a web page and easily distribute that web URL to their existing audience and across all social media platforms. On their SLabstat web page, the potential buyers can find out which players are available, how to pay Poker Night Breaks directly and with one button they can claim that player.

The Effect

Tyler says “SLabstat has allowed us to save so much time to sell off the remaining players that went unsold on eBay.” He adds, “SLabstat also allows us to sell non-checklist players that would otherwise go unsold on eBay. Because SLabstat makes it easy for us to be organized with buyers, we now have more time to focus on delivering great customer service before the break as well as more time to sell new breaks.”

How to reach Poker Night Breaks?





